Tuesday 20 April 2010

From Paper to Machine - the Fairy Tale ;)

I apologise for being slack today in replying - I was busy at work for alot of the day, and then got sucked into doing a drawing Miss Megan Gwynn, aka Pixie. Now, obviously I had to spend time and effort on her, what with her being my favourite Marvel character ;) Damn happy with how the wings turned out ^^
Now I just have to dread the Pixie Strikes Back #3 issue :/

The hand-drawn version:

The digital lineart version:

And then finally, the coloured version:


  1. Dude. Nice work here. How about you come teach me to use my drawing tablet to color stuff. Lol. I have a tablet and dread using it, I'm just a hands on ol school pencil and paper type of gal.

    maybe you'll motivate me to use mine. :)

  2. Falisha beat me to it, great job dude, looks really damn good if I say so myself.

  3. Cheers for the comments. I'll probably come back to it at somepoint - not happy with the foot or knee, arm looks a little too bent. But that's the joy of Photoshop. I'll just tweak em a little bit, and I'll have still have the original :)

    I'm completely self trained on the tablet - I just have it mapped to one screen (if on two it wobbles too much due to it being spread), put on some good music and then just use it as a pen. Also, Ctrl+Z is your friend ;)
    Number I go "Oops" is, well, beyond counting :D
    I'm alot more 'open/scratchy' when using the tablet, I get the basic feel of the sketch underneath, then tidy it up, fiddle about with it. The wings I do in a different way - I assign each colour a layer, then just brush lots of lines and alternate between the layers. I first used it on a character I designed called Ronin:
    and I've just evolved it from then. The rest is just me filling in the lines. It's why I put these ones up on dA:

  4. Yeah man, that final product is really something else! That's a hell of a great job there Nagash!

  5. Cheers mate - I did debate about whether putting her old bike helmet on, but, well, didn't in the end. I liked the hair as it was :D
