Sunday 18 April 2010

Nekron updated

Well, since I'd done the drawing, and I needed to test my tablet and CS4 at home (hadn't had a real chance to use CS4, and hadn't got the tablet working on the old laptop), but now I had, and the best drawing to update was the one I was unhappy with. So here's Nekron again, but done on the computer.

I still think the scythe is too small though :/


  1. My hat goes off to you sir. This is really impressive and a definite improvement from the original sketch.

    I have a tablet and yet to us it. So dude, great job. :)

    *whispers* Did you know they just released CS5?

  2. Love the new Nekron Nagash. Excuse my ignorance and all guys, but what is CS4/5? When it comes to artsy stuff you know I'm clueless, so I have no idea what that is!

  3. Lol. Aww it's okay X. And it's Adobe's Creative Suite 4/5. Basically it has Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign etc in one package for a set price ( $2,500, it may be more lol) instead of buying each program for 500-800 a piece.

  4. Cheers - I fixed the waist :)

    Well, I've been using one at work for a while now (hence the old pics on this site)

    It's up for pre-order. And I didn't pay for it, so I don't mind :)

  5. Ahh, thanks for the info. I've got to say, that seems like a STEEP price!

  6. These things are :/ but hey, how else would the companies make billions? ;)
