Saturday 17 April 2010

Quick-ass Nekron sketch

I don't know why, but I felt like drawing Nekron today. Was just looking up some Blackest Night/Brightest Day stuff, and boom, yep, let's draw Nekron :D I'm not too happy with the left leg (it's squashed around the hip), the scythe (it looks too weedy) or the face (I couldn't get the contours right), the arms aren't right, but it was a quick sketch, so I didn't really care :D it's really quite bad, but hey, it's a nice sunny day outside, and I need to do my shopping *shrug*


  1. Bravo sir, job well done. You've actually made him scarier looking than they did in Blackest night.

    Artist, don't we just love criticizing our own work? lol. ,I totally feel where you're coming from sir. I'm always picking the flaws in my work. But you're doing something you enjoy. :)

    And since you're going shopping, will you pick me up some micron pens and a kneaded eraser? :-P

  2. Thanks. Admittedly, the face does kindof scare me. The Blackest Night one was jus a corpse I suppose

    Yeah - is an artist ever satisfied with their own work?

    Nah, it was food shopping, and have you seen the postage cost? :P

  3. Yeah Falisha beat me to it but this is really good, he does look creepy as hell too. That's like a cross between Nekron and Freddy Kruger or something. But nice work Nagash.

  4. Well, at least you didn't say the Scarecrow and Freddy, then I would know you were reading my mind! Mind you, that thought right there is Frightmare, another of my story characters

    Cheers for the positive comments - perhaps I'll go back to it and improve it at some point. MAYBE. Could well actually photoshop it - I've got it at home now (finally :))

  5. Umm, what's wrong with the face? I think the face looks great! That's like my favorite part of the whole pic.

  6. I'm just not happy with it. The shape, the shading, the mouth... Still somewhat scary though. Glad everyone likes my 20 minute Nekron
